meditation experience

An Introduction and orientation session for Raja Yoga Meditation as taught by Brahma Kumaris (UK).

The aim of Raja Yoga meditation is to attain both happiness and clarity of mind. This meditation course sets out in very clear and simple terms a new way of seeing and understanding ourselves in relation to the world we live in, to help you deal with life and life’s challenges in a positive way.

The course includes an orientation of the philosophy, guided meditation practice, as well as a chance for discussion and questions. After attending the meditation course, you will receive details about the drop-in meditation on Zoom.

Meditation For Spiritual Insights Course

Mon 7th - Fri 11th February 2022

From 7:00 pm - 7:45 pm (UK times)

January meditation course date (7-7.45pm)
7th, 9th, 11th February