Inner Space – Cambridge

Inner Space is an initiative of the Brahma Kumaris and a resource ready for you to use. Self-development starts with the individual seeker – our purpose is to help you rediscover your true inner self.

Our unique, calm environment, with experienced meditation teachers, is a great place to attend lectures, courses and events.

Brahma Kumaris

The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (UK) teaches Raja Yoga as a way of experiencing peace of mind and a positive approach to life.

The University provides opportunities for people from all religious and cultural backgrounds to explore their own spirituality and learn skills of reflection and meditation derived from Raja Yoga, which will help develop inner calm, clear thinking and personal well-being.

Across the UK we work with national and local organisations and community groups in such areas as inter-religious dialogue, youth programmes, prison outreach, social work and women’s and men’s groups. BKWSU (UK) was established as a UK charity in 1975 and charges no fees for any of its activities, being funded by voluntary contributions.

The University is part of a worldwide network of over 8,500 centres in more than 100 countries, the first of which was founded in India in the 1930s.

Registered Charity Number: 269971 (England & Wales)

SC040512 (Scotland)

Brahma Kumaris (UK)

Inspired Stillness - Inner Space Online Shop


CDs – guided meditation with music, relaxation music and talks, DVDs – talks and films, Books – Raja Yoga spiritual philosophy, Positive Thinking, Self Esteem, Vegetarian Cookery, Greetings cards, Magazines, Posters


Inner Space - Team



Sheila Eiloart has been attending the Raja Yoga meditation centre in Cambridge since 1988. For a number of years she has been teaching the Raja Yoga meditation course. Since retirement from working life as a Senior Orthoptist at Addenbrooke´s Hospital and other hospitals, Sheila has co-ordinated activities at Inner Space meditation centre.



Dr Prashant Kakoday has practiced Raja Yoga meditation with the Brahma Kumaris since 1982, and currently co-ordinates the Brahma Kumaris activities in Cambridge. Prashant has a background in  E.N.T. surgery and integrated health. His main interest is in the relationship between the psyche, emotions, behaviour and health. Prashant has spoken on these subjects in many countries and institutions, including the W.H.O. and the Medical Teaching Program within the U.S.A.



Sally Wilkinson was born in Cambridge, and raised her family here. She has worked as a physiotherapist and has been involved with Inner Space since its opening in 1999 and has enjoyed the many changes that have taken place.
Sally is a true all rounder and you will often find her behind the reception desk or leading a meditation session on one of the upper floors.



Rosemary Turner has been involved in the world of culture, the arts and education, family life, and business. Her involvement in charities has taken her to Tanzania frequently and Frankfurt for three years. She is now a student and a teacher of Raja Yoga meditation in Cambridge Inner Space.

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An American with a background in software development, Heather Kara moved to Cambridge 20 years ago for work in Silicon Fen.  It was here that she came across the Brahma Kumaris and took up a life-long study of Raj Yoga meditation.  For more than 15 years, she has been sharing what she's learned through workshops and classes both here and abroad.



Sarah FitzGerald, originally from Cambridge, UK, worked for 8 years as a design consultant in London. She became interested in spirituality in 2009 when she took up language teaching in South East Asia. She came across the Brahma Kumaris whilst in Cambodia and since then has returned to Cambridge to continue her career in teaching and to deepen her understanding of Raja Yoga.

Inner Space Team


Being born in the East, and raised in the West, Oldoez Moradi first came across the ancient teachings of Raja Yoga as taught by the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University whilst studying Communication Science at university. Ever since she has continued to practice and teach Raja Yoga meditation. For almost two decades, she has been a committed student and teacher for Brahma Kumaris in the UK, Europe and the Middle-East.