Welcome Inner Discovery

The Inner Space team would like to welcome you to the Learn Meditation Online Course. 
We see this course as an opportunity to create time for the self and to look at the quality of our inner life. 
This meditation, based on the philosophy of Raja Yoga, focuses on understanding that peace, love and true happiness are our intrinsic nature. They are the original qualities of the self. They exist in all of us. Through meditation we can experience them as a way of life.

What are you looking for in this course? What is your interest in meditation? Here is an example of a possible aim

  • stepping back from ordinary thinking and experiencing complete freedom,
  • awakening a spiritual perspective.

Some benefits of this type of meditation are better concentration and self-awareness.

We hope this 21 days’ course of meditation becomes a celebration of your inner life.


  • 11 emails that you will receive every other day. We invite you to listen carefully to the audio that will be provided with these emails, lasting for 5 minutes. 
  • We invite you to practise each meditation for two days to deepen your experience. If you commit to listen to it more than once, it will certainly benefit you. 
  • Each email will come with a meditation tip.
  • Feel free to let us know how you are doing during the course. You do not have to wait until the end of the course to contact us. We would like to know if you have any questions. Also what your experience of the course is.
  • You will be part of a movement of people who have brought about inner transformation.
  • Piece of advice – if you keep a journal of your experiences, it will help you in your realisations to capture the essence. Also note down any questions that you have. This process will help you to evaluate your progress.

Enjoy the 21 days and we look forward with pleasure to hearing from you.


Let us know how your meditation is going by emailing: ioana.goga@innerspace.org